Sunday, October 10, 2010

Adopted Florida girl accused of poisoning family

A mexico girl who has been adopted by a family in Orlando, Florida admitted that she put cockroaches and rodent poison as well as dog faeces in the food of her adoptive family. Besides, she put hand soap in their drinking water as well. It is believed that she started these actions since early 2009. These acts had put the health of the adoptive family at stake. Recent toxicology tests indicated that traces of arsenic has been found in the blood sample of the adoptive mother and the two biological children may also be poisoned too. The neighbours also appalled by the news as the family treat the adopted girl nicely, providing her a lovelyand caring family. Anyway, the family decided not to put any legal action on that girl as it would be a felony and she has been provided with mental health services

1 comment:

  1. I think that the girl should be appreciate and thank for the adoptive family, not treating them in that ways. I don't know whether the girl had gone through any complications or pressurised life before, she should not act in that way....I also appreciate what had been done by the adoptive family by not charging any legal actions on the adopted girl as the aftermath is catastrophic to the girl. Her future might gone if she is charged
