Friday, September 3, 2010

Deadly riots in Mozambique as food prices rise

Price hike of wheat triggered deadly riot in Mozambique. The price hike is due to the shortages from decreased supply. Forest fire occurred in Russia and increase demand for weed seed from Pakistani peasants contribute to this disaster to happen. Russia has banned wheat export as they need self sufficiency before they can feed the demand of other countries. FAO even predict that the global wheat supply will drop by 5 percent this year. Mozambique residents claim that staple food is unaffordable for them in which its price has risen by a quarter from the past year. Shops were robbed, cars were burnt and roads were blocked. There is a worry of political instability from this turbulence. The price rise of wheat can cause cereal and wheat based products to be more expensive in the near future and entangle low income countries

1 comment:

  1. This shows that the price hike for staple food can bring catastrophic effects on poor countries. It is not only the food shortage problem, it is the problem of life and death. They cannot afford the price rise even it is a meagre one. Also, they are not going to suffer from the price hike for wheat, but also other food which uses wheat as raw material. Therefore, I think that these poor countries should develop the staple food agricultural industries so that they can self sufficiency and do not rely solely on other countries which is very risky.
