Saturday, July 31, 2010

Expectant mums told: 'don't get fat'

Obesity issue has been strongly disputed recently. Latest statistics reveal nearly half of the pregnant women are overweight, causing them to face higher health risks, for instance, miscarriages, stillbirths, blood clots and etc.

British Government watchdog has found out that the conventional theory for expectant mothers to eat for two is misleading. They are worrying that obese women will become even fatter during pregnancy as they assume they can eat for two. Therefore, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence is impelled to announce this delusive statement as a preventive measure on obesity crisis.

Various suggestions are proposed as a guidance for expectant mothers for a healthier lifestyle. They are encouraged to exercise at least half an hour everyday. Those exercise should be moderate such as brisk walk and swimming. Unhealthy snacks should also be avoided for breakfast.New mothers are also advised to shed their baby weight six months after labouring. Meanwhile, education on the risks of obesity and having children should be instilled.

However, this has became a controversial issue. Jill Kirby, director of the Right-wing think-tank claims that most expectant mothers will not care for the guidances.
It seems to be impractical and conflicts on the exercises recommended. On the other hand, some childbirth experts welcomed this guidance with the reason that many of the women fail to lose their birth after giving birth.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Copper miners have struck gold

A large copper deposit has been discovered on the Yorke Peninsula. It is believed that this new discovery is going to generate jobs opportunity to hundreds of people. This discovery has risen the confidence level of shareholders and they are increasing their shares investment. South Australian Chamber of Mines and Energy chief executive Jason Kuchel was cautiously optimistic about its potential.

Large scale, shallow and low cost bulk mining is possible the copper and gold discovered are located only 10 metres below ground level.Mines sites should be built near the roads, ports, power and the city to ease for transportation, creating a win-win situation to the companies as well as the communities.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Generation XXL -our newest big problem among Australian children

There has been an increasing trend that kids are getting bigger and bigger in size. School uniforms manufacturer are now making XXXL school uniforms for Primary students! Australian manufacturers claims that the common size of school uniforms for primary kids are AT LEAST two size larger than their age. Meanwhile, manufacturers also assert that they have to provide smaller size than normal for Asians yet the overall trend is larger sizes.

The demand has stunted salesmen and even some professionals as they really can't imagine for the extraordinary size demanded by some school kids. A sales manager, Christine Woods even claimed that she have to double confirm with the school authority for the size as it is unbelievable. However, it turns out to be a truth.

It shows that there is a higher probability of obesity problems or unhealthy eating habits that created this situation. They also worries for the health consequences of these future assets of a country.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Scientists say aliens more likely to send Twitter-like Messages

It is such an incredible and unbelievable event! Scientists believe that Aliens are sending us Twitter-like messages decades ago to contact us.The signal sent are short, directed messages in certain narrow directions which is difficult to be detected.

Besides, Scientists have found more than 100 planets of a similar size with Earth, which may be hospitable just in the past few weeks. These newly found planet are detected by Telescope Kepler which has been launched in January. Scientists are now believe that there are over 100 millions of planets in Milky Way that are suitable for life. They predict that they are able to identify around 60 of these habitable Earth-like planets within the next two years.

Read more:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Green diet push angers experts

The report--new "Food Modelling System" proposed by the National Health and Medical Research Council(NHMRC) has caused angers among experts as they have subvert the nutritional diet into a green agenda.

In the dietary guidelines proposed, they are focusing on the environmental issues rather than the nutritional content. Associate Professor Noakes claims that predomination on environmental issue can bring detrimental effects on human's health. In fact, food modelling should not put the focus on environment as it should based on the balanced diet which is recommended. The reported proposed can cause many deficiencies diseases to various groups of people especially pregnant women, elderly and children.

CISRO also claims that there is insufficient evidence in why nutritional desirability for optimal health has been compromised as a consequence. Therefore, we can say that NHMRC has biased in their report and put their primary priority wrongly.

NHMRC said that the report do not give any recommendations or guidelines but it is to inform. It admitted the modelling aims to promote eating patterns that are "culturally acceptable, socially equitable and environmentally sustainable".It even confident that the report is supported by scientific evidences.

However, the document proposed should be achievable and realistic to be implemented without affecting our health.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Trainee prison officer Graham Cresswell died during gruelling physical

A trainee prison officer in South Australia has died in an intense physical test which will taken by Police and the Australian Defence Force to reflect the real situations they may encounter. Acute myocardial infarction due to a defective heart valve is the main cause of his death. However, the health report before he went for training showed he was in good condition.

His wife was so angry as her husband had told the instructors that he was not able to complete the test. Nevertheless, he was urged to continue in order to improve his fitness.His wife also claimed that there is insufficient guidelines for trainees to set as a guidelines whether they suit to take the test.

The QCS spokesman said that the test had been reviewed by an external agency because of Mr Cresswell's death and remained "largely unchanged".

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hot cocoa market fuels price fears

Cocoa futures for July delivery on London's NYSE Liffe hit 33-year highs on Thursday, when they expired at ₤2732 ($4811)!

This happened as a few financial groups in Europe has dominated majority of the cocoa, ensuring its future market share for higher profit. Dominating the market enables firms to raise cocoa's price even further, which creates worries.

They dominate the market share by buying up or chasing out existing firms which are less efficient, buying up all the supplies. Meanwhile, they decrease supply released into market to push up price.The situation worsens when stock of global cocoa have been decreasing for the past five years on poor weather and increase in demand.

Those financial groups are BNP Paribas and Newedge Group. However, they refuse to comment on their act whether their action is taken for the welfare of themselves or customers.

The International Cocoa Organisation claimed that the fluctuations of price signals concerns over its availability in the short term.

Now, the only hope to prevent hoarding is on Ivory Coast where the most of the cocoa beans are grown.

Analysts expect the output to stay weak with new investment in West Africa, encouraging stockpiling.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Steve Jobs announces free case to all iphone-4 users

Recently, iphone 4, the latest version of Apple products which have been defended as the perhaps best product of Apple is facing the complaints of 'death grip'.

In order to solve this problem, Apple CEO, Steve Jobs has promised all users who have purchased the latest iPhone will be eligible to receive a free protective case to minimise the antenna-reception issues.Besides, he claims that there is no perfect phones in the world up to this extent. This is the core challenge for the whole industry. Apple company is doing their best to the customers.

Although the offer has been made, the Consumer Reports still reluctant to recommend iphone as the promoted products for consumers. They assist that even though free casing is a good first step, but it can only be a short term alternative which cannot solve the problem thoroughly.

Up to today, 13 million iphone 4s have been sold. iPhone 4 would be brought to 17 more countries, including Australia, on July 30.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

South Australia Wind can power the nation

Good news to South Australia(SA)!SA has the potential to double it electricity generation through the expansion of wind energy itself, which even has the surplus to be sold to eastern state!It is a good alternative for the nation to approach green!

It increases the possibility to develop this green energy when it shows that a simple federal regulatory change would unlock billions of dollars in investment to expand the infrastructure capacity and deliver large volumes of green SA power across the border to the eastern states. Experts also emphasise that the major change in the infrastructures will ultimately cost the consumers lower, which benefits all.

the state's four major energy firms - Origin Energy, Pacific Hydro, Transfield Services and Acciona Energy - and have indicated interest in developing the infrastructure. Under the proposed plan, it is believed that the construction of the infrastructure can create employment to local people.

Mr Rann said the report was evidence renewable energy could become one of the state's biggest industries, besides defence and mining. SA has targeted to achieve one third of its power generation from renewable energy by 2020.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Brazilian model Sheyla Hershey has largest breasts - fights for life

A 30-year-old Brazilian model named Sheyla Hershey, who has done more than 30 breast augmentation surgeries contracted a severe staph infection. She can speak fluently in Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Chinese and English. In 2009, she was awarded with the Brazilian equivalent of the Guinness Book of World Records award which is a high achievement for her.

This infection has reached both of the breast of Sheyla Hershey. She suffered from exaggerating pain and high fever because of this infection. It became worse when she could not get up from her bed. Her consultant doctor worried that the virus may leak to her bloodstream which in turn may harm her life. Therefore, her doctor took her into a surgery to remove her implants and possibly her own breast.

Although she get an award for his big breast, this news tells us that there is potential and real risks of plastic surgeries. It is a waste if the infection harm Ms Sheyla Hershey who is a talented female. It also give me a lesson that we should appreciate our body and do not make any artificial changes on them if it is not needed..^^

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Six Indian factory workers drown in giant vat of tomato sauce

SIX workers drowned after falling into a giant vat of tomato sauce at a factory in India, the Indian Express reported.

The horrifying incident unfolded Wednesday evening when a female worker slipped and fell into the 6m deep tank.

As five colleagues dived in to grab her they were all overcome by fumes given off from fermenting vegetables and drowned, the newspaper said.

Two more workers were in a hospital following the tragic incident at the Akansha Food Products unit in Lucknow, in the Uttar Pradesh region of northeastern India.

Investigators say the woman, named as Usha, was scooping up fermented vegetables from the vat when she slipped off her ladder and plunged into the raw material used to make the sauce.

“When the woman fell in, the other workers jumped in to help her,” said Rajiv Krishna, Lucknow's Senior Superintendent of Police.

The factory owner was taken into custody, the Indian Express said.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Ban on phones at petrol pump stands, even if reason doesn't

It's an urban myth that won't go away: mobile phones and petrol are an explosive combination.

The myth, which surfaced in the 1990s, is perpetuated through warning signs at almost every service station in the country, but most experts agree mobile phones don't pose a safety risk at the petrol pump.

"It's not something that is a reality," the chief executive of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association, Chris Althaus, said. "It's something that came forward in the early '90s and has been the subject of a bit of urban mythology."

But Mr Althaus said the association still backed the ban on using a mobile phone at petrol stations.

"It's incredibly important that people are safe when they are filling their cars up with petrol, so we're happy to support the idea that you don't use a phone while you're doing that,'' he said. ''But it's not on the basis that the device could somehow lead to a spark and ignition. That's never been known to happen, and the physics would suggest that it's nigh on impossible."

Yet petrol retailers continue to hold on to the myth. One of Australia's leading petrol retailers, Woolworths Petrol, carries this warning on its website: "Mobile phones are potentially hazardous when used at a petrol station. Dropping a mobile phone, or turning a mobile phone on or off may cause a spark, which can ignite petrol vapours."

The chief executive of the Service Station Association, Ron Bowden, said mobiles would continue to be banned from forecourts.

"There's a very, very faint chance that there could be a spark using a mobile phone. There have been no reports anywhere in the world of a mobile phone actually starting a fire or an explosion, but we'd say, 'Be safe and don't use it'.''

The celebrity scientist Karl Kruszelnicki said the myth could be traced back to an email sent to a Shell oil company office in Jamaica. The email gained credibility when it was passed on by a Shell employee.

Dr Kruszelnicki said the forecourt warnings were more about service station owners "covering their arses from a legal point of view".

Thursday, July 1, 2010

BP accused of killing turtles in 'controlled burns' on Gulf of Mexico oil spill

ANIMAL welfare groups are suing BP for burning endangered sea turtles and are asking a US court to stop the oil giant's "controlled burns" on the Gulf of Mexico spill.

The lawsuit filed on Wednesday says BP is violating the Endangered Species Act and other laws with its "controlled burns" in the Gulf of Mexico.

The complainants, Animal Welfare Institute (AWI), Centre for Biological Diversity, Turtle Island Restoration Network and Animal Legal Defence Fund, have asked the federal court for a temporary restraining order to stop all burning activities "until ... mechanisms are implemented that will prevent any additional sea turtles from being burned alive."

"It is horrifying that these innocent creatures whose habitat has already been devastated by the oil spill are now being burned alive," AWI president Cathy Liss told the court in Louisiana.Containment efforts put in place since a BP-leased offshore oil rig exploded April 20 unleashing the worst oil spill in US history include "controlled burns", in which oil is gathered by ship-towed floating booms and set on fire.

"Endangered sea turtles, including the Kemp's ridley, one of the rarest sea turtles on Earth, are caught in the gathered oil and unable to escape when the oil is set ablaze," the animal welfare groups said.

They said some 430 sea turtles from endangered species have perished so far in the oil spill.

"While cleaning up the catastrophic oil spill is critically important, so too is doing it in a way which doesn't destroy wildlife in a flagrantly unlawful manner," said Liss.

The groups said BP should remove all turtles from the oil gathered for a controlled burn before it is set on fire.